In order to have healthy relationships with others, you have to build healthy relationship with yourself

I support people with insecure attachment style to heal, become secure, and build healthy relationships

How do you know you have Fearful Avoidant attachment style?

You can become either anxious or avoidant in relationships.

You value depth, honesty, transparency in your connections.

You can become volatile if triggered.

You are hypervigilant and can read people very well.

You value deep connection and freedom in your relationships.

Some of your strongest fears are being betrayed, abandoned, and trapped.

You tend to run hot and cold in relationships.

It could be hard for you to settle, because you value novelty more than security.

How do you know you have Dismissive Avoidant attachment style?

You are extremely independent, and do not like when other people depend on you in any way.

You have rigid boundaries.

You do not allow other people into your personal space easily.

You are very reserved, private person.

You need lots of alone time.

You tend to create walls and secrecy in relationships.

Your strongest core wounds are feeling trapped and inadequate/defective.

You tend to deactivate when triggered.

You might choose to avoid romantic relationships altogether.

How do you know you have Anxiously Preoccupied attachment style?

You tend to become anxious in romantic relationships.

You are scared that your partner will leave you.

You tend to be attracted to emotionally unavailable people.

You crave validation, connection, reassurance in your relationships.

You often sabotage your relationships by being needy and wanting too much closeness.

You struggle with boundaries.

You often put your object of affection on a pedestal.

You think that your partner’s needs are more important than yours.

Your main limiting believes are: you are bad, unlovable, and will be abandoned.


I am a certified relationship coach who specializes on healing insecure attachment styles. I have many years of experience as meditation teacher and instructor. I teach various techniques for nervous system regulation, including breathing exercises and somatic work. I also can help you with emotional processing tools and subconscious reprogramming of limiting believes, so that you can achieve lasting permanent results. My approach helps to not only heal the symptoms, but most importantly to address and fix the root cause of the problem, so that you can create the lasting change.

Online coaching sessions will help you to identify and heal your attachment style in short period of time. So that you can start attracting secure people into your life, and building enjoyable life that you dream of.

Creating a change in your relationship begins with yourself. It’s time to permanently change your life for the better, and the time is NOW.

I provide individual online counselling. Our sessions will help you with personal growth in your relationships, as well as in all other areas of life. I will support and guide you in how to create healthy relationships with others and yourself.

I offer bottom up approach therapy that will help you to feel grounded in the present, while reprogramming your subconscious mind to make real change. We are addressing the root cause of the issue, rather than treating the symptoms, to create the permanent positive change.

Heal your insecure attachment style and become secure in 12 weeks!

Learn how to skillfully navigate your relationships. How to become secure, heal from past traumas, and start being attracted to available partners. Learn how to grow from your past mistakes.

It can be confusing to figure out things on your own. Sometimes you need someone to listen, reflect, and guide you through difficult times.

Meet the coach

I am a certified relationship coach who specializes on healing insecure attachment styles. I have many years of experience as meditation teacher. I teach various techniques for nervous system regulation, including breathing exercises and somatic work. I also help you with emotional processing tools and subconscious reprogramming of limiting believes, so that you can achieve lasting permanent results. I help not only to heal the symptoms, but most importantly, to address and fix the root cause of the problem, so that you can create the lasting change.